
Pilates instruction in the Hingham, MA area to strengthen your body and spirit.

What is Pilates?

“The Pilates method is a system of movement and therapeutic exercise developed over a span of 60 years by German born athlete and physical therapy pioneer, Joseph H. Pilates.”
- The Pilates Center, Boulder CO

How will Pilates benefit you?

"Utilizing the specialized equipment he designed, the method works by toning muscles as well as balancing muscular force at the joint level. It stimulates circulation through facilitating muscular flexibility, joint range of motion and proper musculoskeletal alignment. In addition, it promotes new neuromuscular patterns, heightened body awareness, and more precise coordination. All these things combine to help prevent future re-injury and reduce – even in some cases alleviate – chronic pain altogether."
- The Pilates Center, Boulder CO

Who should do Pilates?

EVERYONE! Jenn has students who are young teens and students who are well into their 80’s. Pilates gives your body a foundation of strength that will serve you for life.

As a Pilates practitioner and teacher, Jenn has found that Pilates is exceptionally helpful for people who participate in any athletic activity or are recovering from an injury. Pilates is great for people whose goal is to physically feel better and obtain more strength/tone.

Jenn has several areas of focus for every single student no matter what their age is:

  • Core Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Mobility
  • Stability/Balance (Spine, Pelvis, Shoulder Girdle) this includes: Gluteus and hamstring strength
  • Body Awareness

What you should know about practicing Pilates with Jenn:

The Pilates method is intended to be a practice. There isn’t a finish line. During a Private Session or class, students are encouraged to be in the moment, honor their body and how it is functioning that day, and give their best effort. With focus, time, repetition, and dedication a student will reap the benefits of Pilates.

Hingham MA Pilates and Fitness

cross training

establish a fitness foundation with cross training classes

Weymouth MA Pilates and Fitness

meet jenn

your Hingham, MA Pilates and fitness trainer

Jenn has changed the way I move, the way I live and the way I feel about my body. She looks at the "all" of you, meets you exactly where you are, then lovingly and powerfully lifts you to your next level. She is a superstar!

virgnia m.
